
Resources and Associations

We combine NLP therapy (click here for more about NLP) with other counselling therapies where necessary, depending on what you need. Here is a list of resources and associations that might be helpful along your journey, but if you have any immediate questions, please feel free to fill out the form on the contact page and we can help you on your way.

Relate Relationship & Marriage Counselling

Relate Relationship and Marriage Counselling

This team offers marriage and relationship counselling services online and in person, helping couples to deepen connection, de-escalate conflict and improve communication.

For further information, click here to view their website.


New Zealand Association of Counsellors

New Zealand Association of Counsellors

NZAC is the National Professional association that acts for, and with, counsellors to monitor and improve the service they provide.

For further information, click here to view their website.


Safe to talk – sexual harm helpline

Safe to talk offers free, confidential contact with trained specialists and can also connect you to support services in your community. Call them at any time, day or night, seven days a week. Answers to questions about sexual harm, information about medical, emotional and behavioural issues related to harmful experiences, and explanations of what you might expect if you report to the Police.

For further information, click here to view their website.

Transformations NLP Consulting and Training

Transformations International – Richard Bolstad

Richard has trained more than half the NLP Practitioners in his native New Zealand, and teaches NLP each year on 4 continents. He is the co-author of the books Communicating Caring, The Structure of Personality and Pro-fusion, and the author of RESOLVE: A New Model of Therapy, Transforming Communication, The Rapport Based Family, Creating A Cooperative World and The Secrets Of NLP Training.

For further information, click here to view his website.


Alcoholics Anonymous

Accident Compensation Corporation

Anxiety, Panic, and Fear

Business and Personal Development 

Community Alcohol and Drug Services (CADS) 

Depression (Ministry of Health)

DAPAANZ Addiction Practitioners’ Association Aotearoa – New Zealand 

Family and Domestic Violence 

Lifeline 24-hour Counselling

Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand 

New Zealand Association of Family Therapists 

New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists 

New Zealand Christian Counsellors Association

Social Anxiety / Phobia Support


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